Etar Consulting, member of Integra International, believes that consulting services should be personalized and delivered by experienced and qualified professionals. Etar Consulting also believes that delivering quality services requires utilizing the right tools, approaches methodologies and people.
Policies and procedures are vital for existing or newly established businesses. They form an integral part of the internal control structure of any company and will help your organization in achieving its objectives effectively and efficiently.
A Marketing plan is a written document that summarizes what the marketer has learned about the marketplace and indicates how the firm plans to reach its marketing objectives. It contains tactical guidelines for the marketing programs and financial allocations over the planning period.
Designing of Policies and Procedures
A formal business plan can benefit small businesses as well as large ones. For example, small businesses can use a business plan to:
-Obtain financing and/or capital
-Communicate the business culture and expectations to newly hired personnel.
-Assist in obtaining potential customers, suppliers, distributors, and management employees.
A feasibility study is designed to provide an overview of the primary issues related to a business idea. The purpose is to identify any “make or break” issues that would prevent your business from being successful in the marketplace. In other words, a feasibility study determines whether the business idea makes sense.